Feed your community with little to no food cost to your non-profit organization.
Gain access to fresh produce, dairy, and other food items.
Receive monthly in-county deliveries
Provide safe and free food to the needy without discrimination or ridicule.
Maintain food and storage records.
Order food and other products through our online ordering system.
Arrange an in-county food pick-up.
The agency must be a tax exempt, non-profit, publicly supported organization as described in section 501(c)(3) of the Internal Revenue Service Code and must provide Mountaineer Food Bank with it's 501(c)(3) letter of determination.
The Agency Feeding Program serves the poor, needy, ill, infants, elderly or homeless.
The Agency Feeding Program does not discriminate on the basis of race, color, religious beliefs, age, disabilities or sex.
The Agency Feeding Program provides food FREE to its clients.
The Agency Feeding Program does not sell, trade, barter or fund raise with products received from Mountaineer Food Bank. Selling, bartering and/or fundraising with donated products are federal offenses. Our donors have procedures in place to spot abuse of donated products distributed from their program(s).
The Agency Member maintains high standards of sanitation and food safety with regards to food storage/temperature, distribution and meal preparation.
The Agency Feeding Program maintains stated days and hours of operation and responds to appropriate emergency referrals in its service area.